

Just ramblings from someone who lives on a mountain. Into blogging , fishing, watching wildlife, an what ever i find interesting on the web to write about.
My yard is my nature preserve and i work in and on it all the time to attract whatever type of wildlife that wants to visit.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

On the mountain.

So what's it like to live on top of a mountain,, not really that bad.  A little windy most of the time but then it does keep the bugs moving.  Being surrounded by wildlife instead of people is what i was looking for, have i found it , not yet but i am a lot closer than i was.
Do i have to leave the mountain for anything,, not really, there isn't much i need off the mountain so why leave it.  I can grow a lot of my food, hunt an fish,, trade when i need to,, with a little luck i will have work to do by this summer to make a little cash that i may need along the way.

One thing i really like is i can take a walk in the woods an not have to see another person if i choose not to.

Have yourself a good day an don't get snowed in.

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