

Just ramblings from someone who lives on a mountain. Into blogging , fishing, watching wildlife, an what ever i find interesting on the web to write about.
My yard is my nature preserve and i work in and on it all the time to attract whatever type of wildlife that wants to visit.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Been busy, sort of.

So what have i been up to in all this time i have been gone.  Well actually not to much. The 2 big things have been i moved an i have a grandson. I now have a computer again which allows me get in here to start posting again, but i knew that would happen at some point.
My post will be different than before for the most part, little if anything about computers, i am no longer that interested in the tech stuff like i was. Its good to be back on here cause it will give me something to do on those days i don't have farm work to do, yes i now live on a farm.
I hope i have kept my contacts after all these years.
Have a good day.

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