

Just ramblings from someone who lives on a mountain. Into blogging , fishing, watching wildlife, an what ever i find interesting on the web to write about.
My yard is my nature preserve and i work in and on it all the time to attract whatever type of wildlife that wants to visit.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

So here it is Tuesday.

Yep an not only that, its a cold one too.

Had a little snow this morning, not enough to even talk about since it was no where near what they said we were to get. Thats why i don't really pay attention to those weather people. What i really need to do is when i can i need to go out searching an find me a weather rock an  set me up a place in the yard where i can see it easy. That will solve most of my weather related problems.

Now on to other things going on.

Seems a young fellow out there didn't learn anything growing up home or wasn't  taught. He reheated 5 day old pasta that had been sitting out the whole time and ate it, died from later.  Thats all i will say about that.

Now how about the big measles outbreak in Washington state. Thats something that hasn't been around in a very long time. I don't even know how it got started. The state declared a state of emergency because of it. They have 35 confirmed cases of it, maybe more by now.  NY state has a outbreak too reporting  more than 200 cases.
Now lets see, last year there was nearly 300 cases in 26 states and the DC area.
Remember that disease was elimanated in 2000, so they claim.

And on to other stuff.

Ground hog day is coming up soon. Need to make sure i have my scope sighted in.

Have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. that measles outbreak is because many parents refuse to vaccinate their children-
    I forgot about ground hog day lol and Feb. is just around the corner- stay warm down there


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